Friday, April 30, 2010


my sis shared 2 pics with me today - thought I'dshare them with you ...
bruise shaped like Africa
disabled pug

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sad but true

It is not enough for me to have hours of internet
 exploration at home, now I am coveting an
 iphone so I can explore 24/7.  I am fascinated
with the creativity and visual images - I suck
it all in like a vacuum cleaner.  Ali, Leigh Ann,
Shimelle, Nienie ... my interweb girlfriends!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 25th

Central Peninsula Church - Millbrae, meeting at Mills High School
Rob Hall, our Millbrae Pastor & our friend, Signe Brill
We are studying Revelations.
Playing Hide & Seek computer games
Appreciating wall decor
China cabinet filled with my treasures
My most prized possession - Peewee doll (IN THE BOX!)
and bobblehead

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 24th

Art time - Harajuku paper dolls
part of the VISA go series
dinner and a movie
"Couples Retreat" with Vince Vaughn - filmed in stunning Bora Bora
Keep looking at me!

A Week in the Life - April 23rd

Celebrating Jen's birthday with lunch at Coconut Bay in Burlingame
An Ed Hardy candle from Jen
After - couldn't resist a nap!
Experimenting with my camera - not much into self portrait!
Look at me - love me - adore me!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 22nd - EARTH DAY

She started this whole thing - scrapper extrodinaire, Ali Edwards.
desk top at ROP Accounting class - wouldn't survive without streaming Pandora radio.
My art journaling is improving slowly - using more acrylics for background.
PG&E Guy named Joel came by and checked out our front yard trees for safety.  Gave us an Q-OK!
Mexican chicken salad for dinner - it turned out great!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 21st

The day started driving to school in the rain, with Flamingo-go leading the way.  I spent several hours trying to process the debits and credits, journals and forms and basic mayhem of payroll accounting.  I had done payroll preparation with ADP for years, but not the accounting part.  Hardest part since Chapter 3.  I then prepped my bi-monthly donation for pick up - always trying to reduce and recycle, followed by the final days of my roll as Treasurer of Wings of Hope Malawi.  In the evening I was snack lady for Table 4 at Women's Bible Study at Central Peninsula Church.  We studied 1John, Ch 5.
Topped off the evening with an episode of "Addicted", vitamins + Seroquel and a up-only-once night.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 20th

The day started with laundry - nothing is more rewarding than an empty basket.  Then off to class, passing my favorite "sign flipper".  He has been there every weekday since I started school in August, 2009.  My teacher had a lovely, pale yellow rose with an intoxicating scent on her desk.  I love the look and smell of roses!  Then after a stop at Trader Joe's to get snacks for WBS on Wednesday, I was able to sneak in a game of Bubbletown and some art journaling.  The evening ended with the remarkable Madonna episode on Glee.  My fellow Malawi lover never gets old!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Week in the Life - April 19th

I am joining Ali Edwards and lots of others all over the world documenting a week in our lives. 
Aspects of Monday - coffee IV while catching up with Nienie. (Gigs fell off the trampoline last week and had to get 5 stitches.) Went to Sears after class to get a new bagless, lightweight vacuum so maybe, just maybe, I can have a clean house. Then made spaghetti sauce and penne - Glenn's favorite pasta. Glenn watched the Giants game and was crying because they lost.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

skool grl

started taking some online classes - scrapbooking with shimelle in UK, mini book with ali in Eugene, Oregon, and art journaling with rachel in Missouri.  i like to cut and glue.

Thursday, April 1, 2010