Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the question

This incredibly sweet drawing by my inspiration, Elsa Mora - an etsy legend known as Elsita, really communicates my heart - why?  I have asked this all my life ... even as a small child.  The biggest question strangling me right now is why an omnipotent God would create such damaged goods as mankind.  Yes, many people are good and do good things.  But it seems more do bad things.  And I particularly do not understand the pain and suffering inflicted on the children of this world.  I do not understand how we can ignore the starvation, lack of health care, emotional abuse, lack of education and most of all, the destruction of hope and dreams.  This is like a ball and chain that drags with me every waking minute, and often even into my dreams.  why, w-h-y, Why, WHy, WHY, WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY?