Monday, November 16, 2009

I get by with a little help...

from my friends!  I am definitely a people person.  I relish getting to know someone - ALL about them, their family, hometown, likes, dislikes, job, faith, dreams, challenges, fears, desires, goals, style, and on and on.  There is no such thing as TMI (too much information) to me.  The more I know about someone, the better friend I can be.  I am curious by nature, and I am grateful for that trait.  It motivates me to ask, to learn, to delve, to ponder.  Now my dear departed mil was the opposite.  She adamently believed that it was rude and intrusive to ask questions of anyone.  "Mind your own business!" was her motto.  She was certainly cordial when meeting new people, just distant.  My husband, through assimilation, is similar in relationships.  He does not ask, but fortunately, I do tell.

Friends make the world a better place and I am thankful for each and every friend that has touched my life.