Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcoming a new year, a new beginning

Silvas x 4: Kathy, Kristi, Matt, Ron
We visited by Kristi and Matt in Atlanta for Christmas this year, and were joined by Matt's parents from Escondido.  We visited their church, St. John's Orthodox Church, literally right next door to their apartment.  There was an old=fashioned feel to scrambling through the puddles in a downpour to enter the candlelit, incensed church at midnight to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church in Atlanta

beautiful sunset

Glenn & Ron model Designs for Dymphna earrings

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Diligent dad-to-be

My daughter posted this pic of my son-in-law engrossed in reading a parenting book the other day.  So much emphasis is put on the changes a woman goes through in becoming a mother - we never hear much about the transformation of the father.  I know my sil Matt will be a spectacular dad - I have seen him with children before, and he is so attentive, respectful and caring.  I feel priviledged and blessed to have him as the father of my first grandchild.  I love you, Matt!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gabby is bringing me up to speed

My dear friend and Malawi companion, Jen, and her daughter, Gabby, are bringing me up to baby speed.  You know, all those little things like supporting the head and the itty bitty size and funny faces - and the milestones.  I give you ..... first picture with Santa!  I love you Jen, John and Gabby - Merry Christmas to your beautiful family.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rest in peace

My dear friend, Jennifer, lost her beloved husband this morning in Mangalore, India.  I had the pleasure of meeting Noel and his entire family in November, 2005 to celebrate his mother's (Mercy)  90th birthday.  It was a joyous time for all and Mercy just basked in the love of her family.  My deep condolences and prayers go out to Jenny, Rohit and Leah, and all the extended family during this time of loss and mourning.

I'll always save one for you, Noel!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

DEFCON - defense readiness condition

We watched Body of Lies with Leo and Russell Saturday night - feeling a bit of paranoia now.

This is the condition used to designate normal peacetime military readiness. An upgrade in military preparedness is typically made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and announced by the United States Secretary of Defense.
This refers to normal, increased intelligence and the heightening of national security measures.
This refers to an increase to force readiness above normal. Radio call signs used by American forces change to currently classified codes.
This refers to a further increase in force readiness just below maximum readiness. The most notable time it was declared was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, although the declaration was limited to Strategic Air Command. It is not certain how many times this level of readiness has been reached.
This refers to maximum readiness. It is not certain whether this has ever been used, but it is reserved for imminent or ongoing attack on US military forces or US territory by a foreign military power.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I see ...

tea parties in my future.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

etsy cuties for Christmas minis






Monday, December 7, 2009

Life in the spirit ...

We were so blessed to attend this amazing gospel concert on Saturday at the spectacular Paramount Theater in Oakland. The music just flooded every inch of this theater and we were all spiritually drowning, raising our voices, clapping our hands, stomping our feet and lifting our hearts up to the One above.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I heart paul


The Long & Winding Road
by McCartney/Lennon
The long and winding road that leads to your door,
Will never disappear,
I've seen that road before It always leads me here,
Leads me to your door.
The wild and windy night the rain washed away,
Has left a pool of tears crying for the day.
Why leave me standing here, let me know the way
Many times I've been alone and many times I've cried
Anyway you'll never know the many ways I've tried, but
Still they lead me back to the long and winding road
You left me standing here a long, long time ago

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Inspirational Christmas Minis

I love "mini albums" - small, scrapbook-style books that usually focus on a particular theme.  This year I am doing my first Chirstmas Daily mini album, chronicling the 31 days of Christmas 2009.  The following are a few of the many inspiring books from 2009 Flickr Gallery.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

10 things I love about the Chirstmas season

1. twinkling lights

2. the smell of evergreen in the house

3. glowing candlelight

4. Christmas music

5. Nativity sets

6. Christmas newsletters

7. Christmas cookies

8. The Nutcracker

9. Festive Spirtis

10. The reason for the season

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gratefully remembering Tianjin, China

Tianjin University, August 2005

Zhu Han, Yan Han, Me, Juliana, Fawn & Jane

Dearest Teacher Judy:

Thank you for your blessings and encouragement. In theses years, I often get the encouragement from you, I am touched and happy. In the university, we have so many lessons every week, this situation was totally unforeseen . And I have a strict English teacher, he is very strict with us. I am very respect him, because he told us the way of study English is very useful. English is very important and useful for me in the daily life and graduate school entrance exams. I worked so hard every day and reading so many books of literature. But I am worried about my human relation sometimes, I want to find someone who shares my ambitions and outlook on life.

I joined a league about English speaking, it is called “AA”. It means “advance and adore” . And we have a senior fellow to teacher us how to read the English better, he can speak English very well. He is a Cantonese, a very kind and lovely boy. In fact, the students in the AA league are very kind and cool. We reading English together in the morning, I must wake up early every day, it is not a comfortable thing, I often feel freezing and tired. But I never give up!

Thank you for giving the virtual flowers and the picture. Happy Halloween and the Thanks Giving, the blessings of late. I am attaching a picture of my university’s snow. The snow is very beautiful, like fairy tale world. I hope you can like it.

Yours Juliana 
(November 21, 2009)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sounds like a ...

nightingale!  Matt Nightingale has been on my mind so much lately.  Finally gave in and loaded "Still Standing" to listen to while I walked to class.  The result was tears streaming down my face - his voice is exquisite.  So rich, layered, emotive ... he has always touched me deep, deep in my heart.  I was blessed to have this man as our worship director for 5 years - which means most Sundays I could hear him.  Then he released this incredible CD, and he became portable.  He went with me to India, and sailed across the Pacific with me to Hawaii.  We are now far apart - he and his family have settled in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he has taken a position at Redeemer Covenant Church. I am so thankful for this blessed man and the gift of his precious voice and spirit.

Joshua, Luanne, Matt
Zachery, Emily, Jacob

Monday, November 16, 2009

I get by with a little help...

from my friends!  I am definitely a people person.  I relish getting to know someone - ALL about them, their family, hometown, likes, dislikes, job, faith, dreams, challenges, fears, desires, goals, style, and on and on.  There is no such thing as TMI (too much information) to me.  The more I know about someone, the better friend I can be.  I am curious by nature, and I am grateful for that trait.  It motivates me to ask, to learn, to delve, to ponder.  Now my dear departed mil was the opposite.  She adamently believed that it was rude and intrusive to ask questions of anyone.  "Mind your own business!" was her motto.  She was certainly cordial when meeting new people, just distant.  My husband, through assimilation, is similar in relationships.  He does not ask, but fortunately, I do tell.

Friends make the world a better place and I am thankful for each and every friend that has touched my life.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sobriety ROCKS!

22 years and counting ... and still in awe of the gift of sobriety.  I know how to drink - it is easy!  Get drink.  Lift - gulp, gulp, gulp - put down.  Repeat until empty.  Repeat process until adequate stupor has been acquired.  But not drinking - that is a different story.  Until the grace of God set me on the path, and continues to keep me thoroughly focused.  I am grateful for the freedom of recovery.  And I am humbled by God's grace.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's November already!

Do you notice how the days just seem to tumble by?  I have heard that the older you get, the faster time goes, and this is my experience.  This is the month of gratitude - taking time to count my blessings and express my love and appreciation to the important people in my life.  I will start with my husband, who is my best friend as well as my lover boy.

Glenn's work is all-consuming - requiring both physical and mental energy.  He works long hours and is dedicated to his company's success.  I feel grateful for my husband's companionship each and every day. 

Friday, October 30, 2009

Congratulations Dara & Rohit!

Glenn and I had the honor of attending the wedding of Dara Chu and Rohit Lobo last Saturday at the Hacienda de las Flores in Moraga.  I had met Rohit in 2004 and became friends with him and his mother, Jennifer, during her 3 month visit from her home in Mangalore, India. Then in 2005 I was invited to join Rohit to travel to India for a celebration of his paternal grandmother's 90th birthday.  I was cared for so lovingly during my 2 week visit, and I fell head-over-heals in love with India.  Fast forward to fall of 2009 when I was thrilled to hear from Jennifer that Rohit was getting married and she and Leah, Rohit's endearing sister, were coming for the event. 

Rohit sharing his testimony
When Glenn and I pulled up to the venue, I could not hold back my tears of joy to see my dear friends again.  The wedding was a fun filled event overflowing with expressions of faith, commitment and love.  Glenn joins me in praying for God's abundant blessings for this unique couple as they begin their lives together as husband and wife.  Jennifer, I cannot thank you enough for sharing this special day with me. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Who needs the Bay Bridge? We do!

The San Francisco Bay Area is dependent on our bridges - and the Bay Bridge is possibly the most important, linking the East Bay with San Francisco, Marin and the Peninsula.  Yesterday, a cable from a Labor Day weekend repair snapped, cutting a car in half, but miraculously not injuring anyone.  Now, the bridge is closed and federal experts have been brought in to help troubleshoot.  Bart and Caltran are fighting over who will pay for extended operation hours to allow more people to take public transport and the world as we know it is coming to an end.

Friday, October 23, 2009


it doesn't have to be this way!  we can all do our part to destroy the statistic that a child dies somewhere on our planet every 6 seconds from malnutrition. 

search your soul - find an organization that calls you and help.  budget and send a few dollars a month ,  have a garage sale and donate the proceeds, contribute 10% of your net earnings each year,  feed a child instead of taking your next vacation,  give a goat instead of a sweater as a gift,  cut out one non-essential each week and donate the money you saved,
the possibilities are endless - all we need is motivation. 

that motivation comes every 6 seconds ...