Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Malawian weddings

above, Mr. & Mrs. Chunga x2, Bayana & Shingi on left, Nase & Chimwemwe on right
above, bridal salon at a local market
Malawians are generous with cash, or kwacha, throwing it out
as they dance as you can see with the little boy below.
Junior bridesmaids dancing on the stage.
Congrautlations Nase & Chimwemwe Chunga!
I was thrilled to find wedding photos on Facebook today! The top 2 photos are from the wedding of my adopted Malawian son's twin brother in Kasungu, Malawi, on 10/4/09. After 6 years, I finally met Nase on my last visit to Malawi. He is a charming guy with a quick wit and engaging personality. I am happy that he has found his life partner, and what a beautiful young woman she is!
I was fortunate to attend 2 wedding receptions while last in Malawi, one in Blantyre and one in Lilongwe. (The actual wedding ceremony usually takes place early in the morning, and is attended by only family and closest friends.) Both my host families were chosen as "lead couple". They lead the procession down an aisle at the reception. And in typical Malawian style, they do not walk, but dance down the aisle. Their entry signals "let the party begin". Generosity is the highlight of wedding receptions, giving the couples mostly cash instead of gifts. A Master of Ceremonies coordinates the event and an official supervises the collection and counting of the money. This tradition is an important part of setting up a new family household.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Praying for the Atlanta area

The picture above is from Douglas County, where my daughter teaches second grade.

Below, an overhead view looking south shows the flooded Downtown Atlanta Connector just north of the International Boulevard/Ellis Street interchange.
This is an aerial shot of Cobb County, where I lived as a teenager during my years in Georgia. It is also the location of where we have motel reservations for our Christmas visit with Kristi and Matt, who live in the Grant Park area of Atlanta.
My prayers are with all of those who have experienced loss, and all who are working tirelessly to help. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the flood was a "once in 500 years flood," meaning the odds of such a thing happening are less “than 0.2 percent in any given year.”

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Waiting for Gabby ...

One of my dearest friends, my Malawi companion, was scheduled to go in this morning at 9am to begin labor induction. Seems baby Gabriella is too happy inside to come out and play. The plan is to send out the news of baby's birth by email, and I suspect Facebook. So I check, and check again. Jen has a large family, and an equally large circle of friends, so there are many waiting in anticipation. I keep sending up prayers, and imagine the transformation that my friend and her husband are going through. They are going to be the most amazing parents!

I remember each of the days my children were born. Especially my daughter, my first born. Life has never been the same. At 33 years of age, and 5'8" tall, my daughter will always be my baby. And now my baby is expecting a baby of her own. So in a 8 months and change I will be waiting again for the miracle of birth.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's that time of year again!

It's time for me to bust out my favorite fall screensaver. I just love this picture! I call the darkening dusk sky "Disneyland blue". With the bare trees in the background, you can almost feel the crisp chill in the air. During my 12 year internment in Indiana, fall was the most enjoyable time of year. The heat and humidity, and my ragweed allergy, would give way to fresh, cool air and there would be few months before the inevitable frigidness to come. The monotonous green of summer gives way to the riotous colors of fall and for a short time, life is good.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is why ...

This picture an example of why my day is not complete until I have checked in on my girlfriend at http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/. This young lady has taught me more in the last 8 months about life than I have learned in 57 years. I waited in anticipation for her return to blogging on 1/16/09, having just learned of the Nielson's tragically miraculous crash in August, 2008, through another blog that I cannot even remember now. No, I don't know NieNie personally. But her fondness for truth and love touch a place deep in my soul and make me feel connected to my fellow man. Long live NieNie and may God continue to pour blessings of healing upon her and her husband, known to the world as Mr. Nielson.

Monday, September 14, 2009

This lady (?) scares me!

What a theatrical spectacle it was to behold! MTV's Video Music Awards packed the punch of a mid-afternoon soap. And the scripting was just as laborious. Of course, Russell Brand has all the charisma and boyish charm needed for the roll of host for the evening. One question - who is this guy and what does he do? Of course, KANYE's interception of Taylor Swift's moment in the sun was unplanned. And of course, the perfect person to be our conscience and harangue us ad nauseam for not intervening and saving Michael was Lady Esther. I do give props to Pink for her remarkable trapeze performance - just breathtaking! And Green Day brought a dollup of sanity to the evening. But for me, I just couldn't quit looking at the GaGa in this ensemble, remnant of Bjork and her bird. This has to become the IT Halloween costume of 2009. Let's sing with Billie Joe, shall we ..."Don't want to be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. It's calling out to idiot America."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Ezrah!

When I learned that my grandson was going out of town for safari in Oregon, I dawdled a bit making his card. But here it is:
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Friday, September 11, 2009

The sound of the lost

The memory that haunts me most about 9/11 is not from that day, but from watching the incredible documentary by Jules & Gedeon Naudet entitled 9/11. These two French brothers started making a film about a rookie NYC fireman and ended up filming the the events of that day at Ground Zero. One scene depicts firefighters sifting through rubble, while in the background you can hear this eerie, continuous sound. The narrator identifies the faint beeping as the electronic emitters that firefighters wear to help locate them in a collapsed building. The sound went from faint to deafening in a split second. God bless those who gave their lives trying to save the lives of others.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Around the world

Each time I am amazed. Around the world with the touch of a button - well, okay, 40 touches to be exact. And I am transported around the world, to Africa, to Malawi, to Blantyre, to Nyambadwe, to Casa Chunga, and finally to Bayana's desk in his home office. The talking begins and over 100 minutes later we make an agreement to pick up where we left off in 10.5 hours, time that he will spend sleeping and I will spend living out my day.
We live oppositely; when it is day here, it is night there. He lives in view of the Southern Cross, something I cannot see in my night sky. We are opposite sexes, and different races. He lives in one of the world's poorest countries while I live in the richest. English is his second language, while it is my first and only. He is in his early 30s, while I am in my late 50s. There is one thing that is the same in both of our lives - a belief in a powerful, loving God. That one similarity negates all the differences. That one similarity allows us to call one another family and mean it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conflict sucks

We all want it - harmony. You know, the old "I'm OK, you're OK" spirit. We want to live in a world where the answer is always, "Why yes, of course, anything you want!"

Or is it just me? Am I the only one who wants things done my way, which of course, is the right way? I grow so weary of explaining myself. "The reason I need you to do it this way is..." "I know you think your way is better, but consider this ..." I seem to be swirling in unmitigated conflict today with EVERYONE. Which brings me to one of my favorite sayings, courtesy of Father Tom - "if during your day, you come in contact with an a-hole, then you have probably encountered a real a-hole. But if during your day, you encounter multiple a-holes, guess who is really the a-hole!" I spend most of my waking hours chanting "God give me the serenity ..." or in Kramer-speak, Serenity Now!

Periods of my life where I am in opposition to those around me require humility, patience and optimism that this to shall pass. As harmony returns, which it always does if only for a fleeting moment, I feel gratitude for the skills I have gained over the years that allow me to cope without permanent damage to myself or others. As we say "it works if you work it!"

Monday, September 7, 2009

Freckled Nest


one of my favorite blogs ... I always smile at her creativity, zest for life, talent and inspiration ... an example of how cyberspace can be a wonderful world filled with fun, colors, ideas, and if Leigh-Ann is around - giggles! Canadians rule!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am a patriot

When I stopped today and thought about it, I love my country more than I will readily admit. After living so much of my life under the tyranny of rulers not of my choice, I had become discontent and bitter, yearning to breath free in an enviornment of oppression and greed. Then came the election of Barack Obama and hopefulness replaced the hopelessness that I had felt for so long.

So as we approach the anniversary of the darkest day in US history, I embrace my country. And I will sing Little Steven's lyrics "I am a patriot and I love my country..." in remembrance of those lost and those still in harm's way. God bless America.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ohhhhhh Nooooooo!

Please tell me it's not true! As if it is not bad enough that MAD TV just aired its' final episode this last Saturday night, I just received insider info that my favorite SF radio station has been sold, and a format change is most certainly on the way! I love everythings about this station - the music, the djs, the ENERGY. For me, it is all about the BPMs (beats per minute), which massage my brain, especially in traffic when I'm verging on going postal. Windows down, volume up ... not a care in the world. I was told the new format is going to feature mullet-spawn "It's Miley".

Now all I have left is The Soup!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My golden guy

 Do you have a favorite spot? I have a few and probably my favorite is the setting for this marvelous golden guy - the statue of Prometheus hovering over the Ice Skating Rink at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. The gilded bronze statue, the work of Paul Manship, was commissioned by John D. Rockefeller in 1933. Prometheus holds fire in his right hand, which he stole from Zeus to give to mankind. The statue is most beautiful when it is towered over by the annual Christmas tree.

For my dearest Shingi

Though your arms are empty,
Though the room is still …
You are a mother.

Though here too soon,
Though gone from sight …
You are a mother.

Though your heart is broken,
Though the tears won’t stop …
You are a mother.

Rejoice today,
Rejoice tomorrow,
Rejoice forever …

For you are a mother.

Dedicated to my granddaughter in heaven, Angel Chunga