Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conflict sucks

We all want it - harmony. You know, the old "I'm OK, you're OK" spirit. We want to live in a world where the answer is always, "Why yes, of course, anything you want!"

Or is it just me? Am I the only one who wants things done my way, which of course, is the right way? I grow so weary of explaining myself. "The reason I need you to do it this way is..." "I know you think your way is better, but consider this ..." I seem to be swirling in unmitigated conflict today with EVERYONE. Which brings me to one of my favorite sayings, courtesy of Father Tom - "if during your day, you come in contact with an a-hole, then you have probably encountered a real a-hole. But if during your day, you encounter multiple a-holes, guess who is really the a-hole!" I spend most of my waking hours chanting "God give me the serenity ..." or in Kramer-speak, Serenity Now!

Periods of my life where I am in opposition to those around me require humility, patience and optimism that this to shall pass. As harmony returns, which it always does if only for a fleeting moment, I feel gratitude for the skills I have gained over the years that allow me to cope without permanent damage to myself or others. As we say "it works if you work it!"