Thursday, September 10, 2009

Around the world

Each time I am amazed. Around the world with the touch of a button - well, okay, 40 touches to be exact. And I am transported around the world, to Africa, to Malawi, to Blantyre, to Nyambadwe, to Casa Chunga, and finally to Bayana's desk in his home office. The talking begins and over 100 minutes later we make an agreement to pick up where we left off in 10.5 hours, time that he will spend sleeping and I will spend living out my day.
We live oppositely; when it is day here, it is night there. He lives in view of the Southern Cross, something I cannot see in my night sky. We are opposite sexes, and different races. He lives in one of the world's poorest countries while I live in the richest. English is his second language, while it is my first and only. He is in his early 30s, while I am in my late 50s. There is one thing that is the same in both of our lives - a belief in a powerful, loving God. That one similarity negates all the differences. That one similarity allows us to call one another family and mean it.